New Cal/OSHA COVID-19 business guidelines go into effect Friday | Coronavirus

Changes with the type of mask employees can wear, COVID-19 at-home testing and how businesses handle close contacts with people who test positive for COVID-19 are all included in these new guidelines.

CHICO, Calif. – New Cal/OSHA COVID-19 business guidelines with proper employee masks, changes to COVID-19 at-home testing and how businesses handle close contacts with people who test positive for COVID-19 went into effect Friday. 

“From the very beginning of the pandemic, one of our top priorities has been the health and safety of our guests and employees. Of course, we will follow any guidance and any way to keep that a top priority,” said Sierra Nevada Directory of Communications Robin Gregory. 

Gregory tells Action News Now they’ve already been implementing their own precautions to help keep their employees safe.

“We have already proactively started working on plans for masks that are stronger and thicker to protect employees more, so those are conversations that we’ve already been having. We’re encouraged that the state is starting that conversation as well,” said Gregory. 

Fully vaccinated employees now have to stay 6 feet from all if they come in contact with someone that has COVID-19 if they stay at work, all employees need a medical professional present when getting tested for COVID-19 and all employees now have to wear surgical type masks like the N-95s or a two-layer woven fabric mask that’s a tight fit that light can’t be seen through. Some businesses are not too happy about the changes though.

“Personally, at La Rocca Vineyards I leave it up to my employees and how they feel. If they feel like they want to wear a mask, they can. If they feel like they don’t want to wear a mask then it’s up to them to feel that way and to do what they feel is best,” said Manager of La Rocca Vineyards Phaedra La Rocca. 

We asked her if the current rise in cases, new business requirements and current state indoor mask mandate through Feb. 15 has changed her thought process, but she says she still believes the requirements should be a choice, even for businesses.

These new guidelines went in affect Friday and will be added onto all the current orders the businesses have to follow.

There is no mention of vaccinations in the new guidelines as the Supreme Court ruled against a national vaccine mandate for large businesses Thursday.